Weston Rd. Street Profiles
The street profiles of Weston Rd. between Victoria Ave. and Coulter Ave. show a unique variation in the city. The high-rise apartment buildings tower over the low-rise 1800s building edge, as shown in the first section (Built/ Open spaces). The relationship between the building edge and the sidewalk varies greatly, from the street wall of the original strip to the apartment buildings’ setback to the large parking lot in front of the GO Train station. The rich articulation produces an active building edge north of Lawrence Ave. West, and a less active one south of that, particularly on the east side.
The sidewalk is well-maintained, but the tree canopy needs to be more consistent. We found it needed to be wider for current and future foot traffic.
Street profiles by Shivangi Chauhan, August 2024.
The street profiles of Weston Rd. between Victoria Ave. and Coulter Ave. show a unique variation in the city. The high-rise apartment buildings tower over the low-rise 1800s building edge, as shown in the first section (Built/ Open spaces). The relationship between the building edge and the sidewalk varies greatly, from the street wall of the original strip to the apartment buildings’ setback to the large parking lot in front of the GO Train station. The rich articulation produces an active building edge north of Lawrence Ave. West, and a less active one south of that, particularly on the east side.
The sidewalk is well-maintained, but the tree canopy needs to be more consistent. We found it needed to be wider for current and future foot traffic.
Street profiles by Shivangi Chauhan, August 2024.